Research & innovation funding
Pathfinders – funding innovative new GGR approaches
CO2RE’s annual Pathfinders competition is filling innovation and research gaps by funding proof-of-concept type work with the potential for high impact. £60,000 awards will support studies to the point that they are well placed to apply for larger scale R&D sponsorship through other channels.
Applications from the private sector and research organisations are welcomed. The Hub helps facilitate Pathfinder projects engagement and participation in the GGR Programme, opening up opportunities to engage with its community of stakeholders.
Pathfinders Call 3 – Closed
Enhancing durability of storage and realising GGR synergies
The Pathfinders competition call 3 closed on 26 March. We are currently reviewing applications for funding projects of up to one-year’s duration, at a cost of £60,000 each.
We invited applications that focus on:
- Ways to enhance the durability of greenhouse gas storage, after its removal from the atmosphere, or
- Approaches which may have some potential to realise beneficial synergies between more than one GGR approach, or other activities.
Read the Guidelines for Applicants for full details of the call.

Pathfinders Calls 1 (Autumn 2021) and 2 (Winter 2022)
CO2RE previously invited applications for new funding to research new methods for capturing greenhouse gases and durably storing or converting them (Pathfinders Call 1) andocean or methane Greenhouse Gas Removal (Pathfinders Call 2). The calls are now closed, however you can read about the winners using the links below.
Winning projects – Pathfinders Call 1
Pathfinders Call 1 projects explored new methods for capturing greenhouse gases and durably storing or converting them.

Use of co-pyrolised biochar in Carbon-Negative Hydrogen Production (HyBECCS) from bio-organic wastes

Evolved aquatic microbial communities to sequester atmospheric CO2

Methane removal and remediation using chlorine radicals

Enzyme-enhanced carbon capture and storage solutions in basaltic rock
Winning projects – Pathfinders Call 2
Pathfinders Call 2 projects are exploring methane or ocean Greenhouse Gas Removal methods.

Encouraging Sphagnum moss growth in peatland pools to reduce methane emissions

Removing atmospheric methane using solar driven catalytic membrane technologies

Developing efficient pre-treatment of seawater for process that removes CO2