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Alyssa Gilbert

Lead on Engagement

Imperial College London

Director of Policy and Translation, Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College London 

Alyssa Gilbert is the lead on engagement for CO2RE. She is Director of Policy and Translation at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London. Her work is centered at the interface between science and policy, taking academic research from a broad range of disciplines – such as natural sciences, engineering, policy analysis and economics – and communicating with stakeholders that require this information to work towards improving our environment and promoting climate change action.  

Alyssa is Chair of the COP26 Universities Network, a nation-wide network of academics and professionals working to deliver impact on climate change.  She has worked on environmental and climate change issues across a range of countries including China, France, Spain, Romania, Morocco, the UK and the US. Alyssa has also worked for the Deputy Mayor of London and as a journalist on environmental policy in Brussels. She was a member of NERC’s advisory network and NERC’s Strategic Programme Advisory Group.    
