Isabela Butnar is the lead on the GGR Evaluation Framework, and Synthesis & Decision Support at the CO2RE, and a member of the Hub Management Board. She is an environmental sustainability scientist with a broad range of modelling experience in sustainability assessment of products and services. Her current research focuses on Greenhouse Gas Removal scale up in the UK and abroad. At the Hub, she coordinates the development of a GGR evaluation framework to inform sustainable GGR scale up in the UK, as well as being the Programme coordinator of Life Cycle Assessment methods for GGR evaluation.
Another key part of Isabela’s current research is dedicated to the co-creation with non-academic partners of greenhouse gas assessment tools tailored for informing decision-making at local authority level. To this end, she is working with Cambridgeshire County Council in a Net Zero Innovation project funded by the Local Government Association, co-creating fit-for-purpose tools to help estimation of council’s scope 3 emissions and enable collaboration with its suppliers for a joint transition to net zero.