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Prof Cameron Hepburn

Principal Investigator

University of Oxford

Battcock Professor of Environmental Economics, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford 

Cameron Hepburn is the Principal Investigator of CO2RE. He is Battcock Professor of Environmental Economics, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford, and also co-leads several programmes at the Oxford Martin School, including the Economics of Sustainability Programme at the Institute for New Economic Thinking. He holds degrees in Law and Engineering, a Doctorate in Economics, and has published widely on energy, resources and environmental challenges. His peer-reviewed publications span many disciplines, such as economics, biology, philosophy, engineering, law and public policy. He was lead author of a major multidisciplinary paper in 2019 on CO2 utilisation and removal in Nature. 

He has served as managing editor of the Oxford Review of Economic Policy, associate editor for the European Economic Review, and editorial board member of Environmental Research Letters. Cameron’s research is often referred to in the printed press, and he has been interviewed on television and radio in many countries. Cameron has provided advice on energy and climate policy to government ministers and international institutions around the world. 
