Pathfinders – Background information
What are Pathfinders grants?
The Pathfinders competition aims to fill research and innovation gaps in the UK GGR landscape. Pathfinders will support important research and innovation that will not, otherwise, take place. It does this by funding early-stage innovations with the potential for high impact.
Pathfinders’ competitions are held annually with new projects commencing in the first quarter of each year. Grants up to £60k are available to public or private sector applicants.
Funds will support studies up to TRL level 2, i.e., proof of concept studies. It is our hope this initial funding will help position innovators and researchers such that they are well placed to apply for larger scale R&D sponsorship through other channels.
Shaping the agenda
Currently, the focus for the third and final round of Pathfinders is entirely open. It is for participants in the sandpit to help us decide what that focus should be. For example, at the last sandpit innovation bottle necks in methane removal and ocean-based CO2 techniques were identified as priorities. Subsequently, two methane orientated, and two ocean based GGR projects were funded.
We are keen to have innovators from the private sector, academic and other researchers, policy makers and informed members of the public participating in the event when we will work together to identify the most urgent unanswered scientific and technical questions that Pathfinder grants could address.
Following the sandpit, the call for proposals will be prepared and a call announced in the autumn.

What is Greenhouse Gas Removal?
Our FAQ page answers questions around Greenhouse Gas Removal, including why we need it, what the different types of GGR are and how they can be pursued.

Find out more about CO2RE
Funded through the UKRI SPF Greenhouse Gas Removal Demonstrators Programme (GGR-D), CO2RE conducts solutions-led research on GGR and co-ordinates the Programme.

Find out more about the Demonstrator projects
CO2RE works closely with 5 Demonstrator projects, each researching a GGR method over the next four years.